High Quality Spirulina

High-quality Spirulina is one of nature’s most powerful superfoods. Certified Organic Spirulina is now available as tablets which can be consumed as a food supplement. It is a blue-green algae which is rich in vitamins, calcium, powerful amino acids, iron, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, chlorophyll, fibre, and antioxidants. Some vendors offer Spirulina as Superfood Spirulina Powder, which can be consumed along with milk. High-quality Spirulina tablets are one of the best ways to boost energy levels, stabilize blood pressure, accelerate metabolism, alkalize the body and support weight loss. Certified Organic Spirulina tablets have following advantages:

  • Easy to consume and digest. Due to its high protein content, low fat, low sodium and gluten free nature, Certified Organic Spirulina is an excellent nutrient food product for anyone struggling with digestive disorders.
  • Superfood Spirulina Powder is 100% certified fully organic.
  • Certified Organic Spirulina enhances the look and feel every day.

Superfood Spirulina Powder

Since High-quality Spirulina is great for removing toxins from the body, we could experience some temporary detox side effects which could last a few days. It is important to remember that with anything, the human body needs time to adjust. If symptoms persist, reduce dosage or discontinue use. The following side effects are often observed in initial stages while consuming Superfood Spirulina Powder:

  • Slight fever. As Superfood Spirulina Powder enhances metabolism, there is a chance that the person may experience symptoms of slight fever.
  • Sleepiness or fatigue. As a result of your colon being cleansed, you may experience sleepiness and fatigue, which may subside quickly. If the symptoms continue, it is advised to consult your doctor. Experiment with small doses of Certified Organic Spirulina tablets initially to ensure your body gets accustomed to the change and gradually increase the dose.
  • Itching skin, rashes and breakouts.
  • Green colored excreta. Superfood Spirulina Powder helps flush out any waste that may have accumulated in the colon, meaning it could turn the excreta green.

In summary, Certified Organic Spirulina is a healthy food supplement which has a high nutritional value.

Nutrition Facts


traditional herbs


herbs and natural supplements


organic spirulina benefits

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