Buy Spirulina Powder

How would you like an energy booster, immunity power-up, a digestion enhancing, anti-ageing protein supplement, all rolled into one? (Sounds quite a spoonful, doesn’t it?) Too good to be true, and yet scientifically proven to be so. This time, consider a “healthy” investment and buy Spirulina.

Spirulina is a unicellular blue (phycocyanin pigment) – green (chlorophyll) spiral alga that has colonized earth ever since the advent of life. This protein-rich powerhouse of nutrients is consumed as a part of the staple diet by several communities worldwide. Does this make you buy Spirulina?

Certified Organic Spirulina Powder

Today, certified Organic Spirulina Powder is available in all major cities across the country, also in tablet and capsule form. But what is it actually composed of? Certified Organic Spirulina Powder, or Spirulina, has all 8 essential amino acids (not synthesized by the human body) in suitable proportions.

The detoxifying agent, chlorophyll, has anti-cancer properties; phycocyanin is a powerful antioxidant that keeps you young on the outside and strong on the inside. Traces of minerals like zinc and selenium are essential for life processes and vitamin B works towards a healthy heart and brain. It also holds rare, essential fatty acids (GLA- Gamma linoleic acid), carotenoid pigments and enzymes that protect skin, eyes, internal organs and function as cell repair and rebuilding agents.

A comprehensive list of benefits of buying Spirulina, in certified Organic Spirulina Powder form, or capsule, or any other form, include-

  • Protein push- The lean, green, protein machine, aka Spirulina has unrivalled protein content- 6% by weight.
  • Detoxification- A natural antioxidant, it sharpens cell functioning and fights ageing
  • It monitors healthy cardiovascular functioning, maintains blood pressure and blood sugar levels
  • It aids the functioning of B cells and T cells to enhance immunity
  • Consuming Spirulina boosts energy levels and curbs hunger(trying to lose weight, anyone?)
  • The anti-inflammatory agent, promotes digestion

Though prices range from about Rs 1000 to 3000 per kg, the host of positives warrants buy Spirulina at least once as a trial. So all you health-conscious readers while ordering your jar of certified Organic Spirulina Powder, ensure it is USDA approved and from a genuine dealer.

Nutrition Facts


traditional herbs


herbs and natural supplements


organic spirulina benefits

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